husband 我们熟悉的意思就是“丈夫”,但你知道用作动词,有“节约”的意思吗?
husband 由古瑞典词husbondi, hus是house的意思,bondi是dweller(居住者),作为动词时,它可以表示节约使用(资源)。
1. vt.节约使用(资源)
use resources economically
▷the need to husband his remaining strength.
▷Because of the flooding in the area, roads are cut off and everyone is being asked to husband their supplies.
2. husbandry n.(尤指精心经营的)农牧业
the care, cultivation and the breeding of crops and animals
▷crop husbandry 种植业
▷animal husbandry 畜牧业
▷dairy husbandry 乳牛业
3. husbandman n.<古>庄稼、农夫
(archaic) a person who cultivates the land; a farmer
▷Fan Ch'ih requested to be taught husbandry, the Master said,"I am not so good for that as an old husbandman."
▷And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he plantted a vineyard.
4. husband de facto
de facto adv.实际上,事实上
▷He is her husband de facto.
4.husband de jure 有合法婚姻的丈夫
de jure adv.按理地,有权地,天经地义的
according to rightful entitlement or claim
▷He is her husband de jure.
6. husbandage n.船舶管理人、船舶管理费
▷ husbandage detail 船舶代理费
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