Law School of Renmin University of China
It is one of the "Five Schools and Four Departments" in China's top legal education institution
The Law School of Renmin University of China (RUC), founded in 1950, is the first formal and new-style institution of higher legal education established by the Communist Party of China and the People's Government after the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is known as the "working machine" and "cradle of jurists" of China's legal education.
It is China's legal education top ace school one of the four lines "" five yuan, has 43 research center (station), has" 985 project "key national innovation base and 2 the Ministry of Education humanities and social science research base, has a national" 211 project "key project, is China's first approved in level 1 national key disciplines of law, has a doctorate awarded unit. In 1998, it was the first university system in China to be awarded the "National May Day Labor Award".
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